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Austin EMF Services

Servicing Austin, Texas and Surrounding Areas

EMF Services in Austin, TX

EMF Knights is your local specialist in EMF testing, education and helping you on your quest of reducing EMF fields on your property


Electromagnetic radiation or EMF is all around us. The radiation is emitted from just about any electronic device from microwaves to cell phones, wifi routers and televisions. Other sources include cell phone towers and other outdoor items. As a result, some homes and properties are more affected than others. In any case, at higher levels, EMF waves put your health at risk and have been connected to autism and cancer.


EMF Knights offers EMF testing so that you can find out if your property is faced with high EMF levels

Using our specialized equipment and knowledge, we can help by determining where the highest levels of EMF are on your property. Once we’ve completed the EMF testing, we’ll offer you a full report. Then, you can take appropriate action based on the findings.


EMF Knights also offers services in reducing EMF fields

With a full evaluation of your property, our experts can often make recommendations for you to reduce your exposure. In addition to changing the location of some of your devices so that they aren’t in sleeping areas, which is of most concern, we can also offer blocking devices and solutions so that your risk is reduced.


Want to learn more about EMF?

EMF Knights offers EMF education courses so that you can learn more about this radiation, it’s sources, what levels are dangerous and what you can do to reduce your exposure and risk. EMF Knights’ teams of scientists are highly educated and will offer you an extensive online EMF education that you’ll find both practical and informative.


Contact EMF Knights to discuss your EMF related services today

Our friendly staff will be happy to answer your questions and help you schedule your services. We look forward to serving you soon.


Trusted Company

As a local company, proudly serving Austin, Texas and surrounding areas, EMF Knights is committed to providing excellent services and maintaining our reputation in the area. 

Trusted Services

When you hire EMF Knights, you’re hiring a full service EMF Service with the experience and expertise required for all your needs.

Our Team

Our team meets the highest standards in experience and skills. We work hard to ensure our staff are duly trained and remain up to date in the latest trends in the industry.

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